Executive Function Coaching

We support children, youth, and families in strengthening executive function skills to help them work toward their goals. Executive function skills are the mental processes that are responsible for our ability to initiate, plan and organize, shift (e.g., transitions, flexibility in problem solving), regulate (emotional control), remember instructions, and pay attention. For example, when we plan a big project and we are able to organize our work, our executive function skills are utilized to help us with this process.

While, these skills are essential for learning and growth, our executive function skills don’t fully develop until our mid 20s. There are some important research findings around the challenges children and youth may experience when they have less developed executive function skills. These challenges include the tendency to have lower school performance, experience more conflict with peers and with families, show more behavioural difficulties, and they are more likely to develop mental health concerns. The good news: executive function skills can be developed and strengthened in many different ways. Some of these are described in our blog article here.

Our executive function coaching is an individualized and strength-based approach. We work with our clients on the specific skills that they would like to target. We cover areas such as sustained attention, mindfulness, flexibility and getting “unstuck,” mindset, organization, time management, goal setting, and problem solving. We emphasize practical strategies in planning and organization that help us stay focused and complete tasks.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We use various evidence-based strategies from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Psychoeducational approaches that help strengthen executive function skills. Our coaches have been well trained in understanding executive function skills and what helps optimize our brain.

    Above all, we always consider the client’s goals and personal preferences for these sessions, which may include engaging clients in more interactive and engaging activities, not just talking.

    Parents are also part of the process to ensure these skills are better generalized outside of our sessions. Parents will be taught skills to support their child/ youth in strengthening these executive function skills.

  • Our coaching is individually tailored, though it is recommended to have at least 6-8 regular (weekly or biweekly) sessions. This allows for the child/ youth to select some goals and work toward them.

    Our sessions build on each other and we have ongoing check-ins to ensure reflection and progress. We also continue to explore any ongoing challenges and problem solve around these.

  • Yes! We offer coaching services remotely through secure video sessions. However, you must be physically present in Ontario during your video coaching sessions.

  • Each coaching session is based on the clinician’s hourly rate (though for younger children we offer 30 minute sessions, which would be prorated accordingly). Hourly rates vary based on the clinician, ranging from $150 to $240 per hour.

    These sessions are held by non-medical health professionals such as psychologists, psychotherapists, occupational therapists, and social workers. While these services are not covered by OHIP, your private insurance plan may cover executive function coaching as part of mental health services.