Welcome to our compassionate team!
"How do I help my child keep their cool?" "How do I connect with my teen?" Parenting is hard. In fact, it may be the hardest thing we do in our lives.
While it is inavoidable to experience some stress in our busy every day lives, we love practicing and sharing with clients ways to relate to stress differently and live value-based fulfilling lives. We are professionals and we are also mothers, partners, children, and friends. We would love to support you and your family.
Dr. Sharry Shakory, C.Psych. (Supervised Practice) (She/Her)
Clinical Psychologist, Supervised Practice
Angela Ventrice B.A. (Hons), B.Ed., OCTGuidance (She/ Her)
Executive Function Teacher, Guidance and Career Education Specialist
Lisseth Reano M.Sc. OT, OT Reg. (Ont.) (She/ Her)
Director of OT Services and Occupational Therapist
Join Our Team!