Transition Support to Post-Secondary Education

Our certified teacher, Angela Ventrice, has spent over 25 years specializing in Special Education and Guidance and Career Education. She provides personalized support for students and families navigating educational choices and transitions. She specializes in helping students explore career interests, choose post-secondary programs, and handle applications with confidence. 

Services include:

  • Exploration Essentials: Helps students identify career interests and explore relevant post-secondary options, ideal for those unsure about their future path.

  • Program Navigator: Provides tailored guidance for selecting the best post-secondary programs based on clear career goals.

  • Application and Beyond: Offers comprehensive support for college/university applications, including supplementary forms, interview preparation, and scholarship navigation.

  • Comprehensive Support: Assists with managing transitions, reducing stress, enhancing social-emotional well-being, and developing skills for long-term success.

Angela is here to ensure students and families make informed, confident educational decisions. Get in touch

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly”

Robert F. Kennedy