Developmental Assessment

This assessment addresses any developmental concerns, including Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Concerns related to social, emotional, or cognitive difficulties are addressed.

How do you know if you need this assessment?

This assessment is recommended if there are red flags for ASD, such as difficulties in playing and interacting with other children, narrow and/ or repetitive range of interests or behaviours, significant difficulties with transitions, strong sensory sensitivities or interests, and difficulty making eye contact or communicating using gestures.

What to expect?

Clinician will first meet with caregivers to better understand the concerns and the child’s developmental history. The assessment with the child thereafter will include use of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, 2nd Edition (ADOS-2), a gold standard in assessing the presence (or absence) of symptoms associated with ASD through a play-based approach. ADOS-2 can be used with toddlers (as young as 12 months), preschoolers, school-age children, and adolescents (as well as adults). The assessment may also evaluate the child’s cognitive abilities and obtain parent and teacher ratings to better understand the child’s behaviours in different settings. Upon completion of this assessment, the psychologist will meet again with the caregivers and share whether there is a diagnosis of ASD as well as recommendations for next steps and provide appropriate resources.


Attention Assessment


Gifted Assessment